Independent Investment Group, LLC Investments for a Changing World
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See also Precious Metals and Natural Resource Program, Aggressive Growth Precious Metals Program, Oil and Energy Program and Asia Program


Our Diversified Growth Program's objective is to achieve long-term growth based on the changing world.

This is the main program for investments. Our founder and president has all of his investments in the areas of this program. Clients can put a part or all of their investment funds here. Based on the rapidly changing world, the current areas of investment are precious metals, natural resources, energy, Asia and interest rates. Details on the investments in each of these areas can be found in Specialty Programs.

Diversified Growth mainly invests in companies or funds that benefit from the changing global situations relating to:

  • Unprecedented and massive spending of trillions of dollars by the U.S. government. We believe that the devaluation of the dollar, due to our deficit spending, is the single biggest factor affecting investments today. The U.S. has recently stated that the budget deficit this year will total $1.8 trillion. This is four times higher than the largest deficit in history of $454 billion! In addition, our government has forecast the U.S. debt to grow to $24 trillion in ten years! This does not even include the liabilities for the bad mortgage and other debt that the U.S. has guaranteed or for Social Security and Medicare. The unfunded liabilities for just social Security and Medicare total over $60 trillion! A debt of $84 trillion, which does not include all of the U.S. liabilities, is equivalent to $720,000 per household! No wonder China and other countries that hold U.S. dollars are working to decrease their holding of dollars and to move away from the dollar as the world currency.

  • Personal debt of the U.S. public that has reached historical levels and cannot increase further.

  • Falling U.S. dollar due to the massive U.S. expenditures, low interest rates, large trade deficit and strong efforts by foreign countries to replace the U.S. dollar as the world's reserve currency.

  • Aging population in the U.S. and other developed countries.

  • China's and Asia's economic emergence. China's number one objective is to increase the standard of living of its 1.3 billion people. This internal demand continues to drive China's growth at greater than 7% annually even while the U.S. and other developed countries have negative growth.

  • Global demand for energy and natural resources. China and India alone have more than 2.4 billion people that are increasing their standard of living. This is eight times the size of the U.S. population. This demand will cause shortages and drive prices higher.

  • Global scarcity of energy and natural resources. There is not enough energy and natural resources to satisfy this new demand of over 3 billion people in Asia, one-fifth of the world's population. China and India know this and have been buying up resources throughout the world. Additional problems are that countries have started to become protective of their resources, and 60% of the resources are in unstable countries.

  • High level of inflation in U.S. dollars due to huge U.S. spending level, devaluation of the dollar, and demand and scarcity of energy and natural resources.

  • Increased interest rates. Interest rates are the lowest in history and near zero. Interest rates will increase due to inflation and the need for nations to borrow money.

Our investment expertise in these global trends gives our strategy a unique advantage. We have built this strategy on our significant experience with, and an understand of, the factors underlying the major changes taking place in the world. Our insight has resulted in a program that take advantage of the many opportunities resulting from these changes.


IIG's dynamic and disciplined investment approach is designed to build portfolios that significantly outperform the market over an investment horizon of at least three years. The Diversified Growth Program is designed to help provide our clients with the following benefits:

  • Protect and preserve purchasing power from inflation

  • Gain, instead of lose, from a falling U.S. dollar

  • Profit from the ongoing commodities bull market


Annual Management Fee

2.5% Below $1,000,000
2.0% $1,000,000-$2,000,000
1.5% $2,000,000-$3,000,000
1.0% Above $3,000,000

Minimum Investment

Custodian Broker
Fidelity Investments

Contact us for more information about participating in this and other IIG investment programs.

For additional information, please see Frequently Asked Questions.

No representation or warranty, expressed or implied, is made as to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained in this document, and nothing contained herein is, or shall be relied upon as, a promise or representation. This document does not purport to contain all the information that may be required to evaluate the proposed transactions, and you should obtain a copy of the final products' particulars and any other relevant information before making an investment. Past performance of a fund or a program is no guarantee as to its performance in the future.